Tuesday, October 23, 2012

In this day and age, beauty is defined in many different ways. Some people may believe beauty is a smile, cloths, and even what is within a person. Some see beauty as a way to express who one is through clothing and being able to use variety with color. I think of beauty as that and much more. My definition of beauty is in the wrists and hands, the neck and the ears. Those are some of the body parts where I, as a Womyn (not a typo),  can express my definition of beauty. 

Jewelry is known to be "personal ornaments." Ok...? Last time I checked, my body is not a Christmas tree. In my opinion, jewelry are simply compliments of the body; these precious metals emphasize the beauty that I already acquire.

This blog will talk about jewelry; old jewelry  new jewelry,  rusty jewelry, allll types of jewelry  from the beginning of time these accessories characterized us as women. So what better way to pay homage to these trinkets than by speaking of them. Enjoy and not once think of yourself as the Rockefeller Christmas tree, but a walking diamond-made star.